Short update of myself

Hi! People.

I started my semester three recently and I have been busy with lots of stuff. 🙁
I couldn’t say it is a lot now because there will be more coming soon.

Got whole loadss of  crapssssssss coming soon which i have no idea what is going on. Going to segamat for 2 weeks? SPC? CSV? CBP? Even weekly anatomy practicals, clinical skills and also pbl. Everything is just so overwhelming. 
Hope to stop all the things or even stop the time. I wish I have holidays soon. Grrr! Why must the holiday end? 🙁 

Anyway, due to the foreseeable busy-ness, I will update my blog less frequently during the semester lar or maybe during the whole year up to November! 

Honestly, I am in a super depress mood lar. Not prepared for the year.
I am sure Do Min Joon will hwaiting for me right? If you haven’t watch ” You who come from the star”, you should really watch it! Is damn good and I totally fall in love with Manager Do!!!

Do Min Joon is hwaiting for me! 

 This is all! Bye bye!

Sherlyn 🙂


Author: Sherlyn Goh

Sherlyn blog provides a range of lifestyle events coverage, sharing with you the latest insights of beauty products and fashion highlights.

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