Shop at IP Mart?

Hi! I believe all my friends around me know that I am finding a good camera recently!

I reseached for so long and asked a lot of people on what camera should I buy. At first, i wanted to get a DSLR but i realised it is too big. heavy and bulky to carry around. Then I wanted to get a normal point and shoot camera and towards the end I decided to get a mirrorless camera!

There are so many brand to choose from- Nikon, Canon, Samsung, Sony……..

Towards the end I found out that Sony Nex series received a lot of good review from everyone and it is PINK in color, and very girly camera which suits me so well! lol

Anyway, do you want to know where you can get your favourite camera? Take a look at IPmart here: IP mart camera!

For my readers, you can get a RM15 discount by keying in the discount code as below! So act fast as the discount code s valid until March 31, 2014! haha. Besides camera, there are other gadgets in the website also! You can take a look at their website now!
*You are also welcomed to buy me the camera I want using this discount code! It is unlimited usage! Thank you in advance lol

Unlimited usage!! 

Sherlyn 🙂 

Author: Sherlyn Goh

Sherlyn blog provides a range of lifestyle events coverage, sharing with you the latest insights of beauty products and fashion highlights.

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